End-to-end solutions to digitize and optimize your business processes

From initial consulting to intelligent implementation and automation, our team of experts works with you to develop a unique solution that fits your specific needs.
Image of a work team of four people looking at a computer monitor
Icon representative of two overlapping sheets of paper
Task Management
Collaborative task manager in the cloud
Fast and secure access to tasks from any device.
Digitization of organizational procedures.
Business time optimization and cost reduction.
Generation of productive environments with higher levels of trust.
Icon representative of the union of two points
Strategic deployment
Digitized solution for the development and deployment of the Strategic Plan
Digitalized platform for the development of the Strategic Plan.
Processing of processes and tasks for the execution of objectives.
Bidirectional relationship between strategic objectives and daily KPIs.
Breakdown of annual objectives and specific projects.
Deployment of the Strategic Plan at all levels of the organization, with active accompaniment in its development and supervision.
Representative icon of a tree leaf
Sustainability Management
Deployment of the Strategic Plan at all levels of the organization, with active accompaniment in its development and supervision.
Digitized management of sustainability and governance of the company's environmental commitments
Digitalized platform for the development of the Sustainability Plan.
Processing of processes and tasks for the execution of objectives.
Bidirectional relationship between strategic objectives and daily KPIs.
Deployment of the Sustainability Plan at all levels of the organization, with active accompaniment in its development and supervision.
HTML code representative icon
Custom development
Customized approach to adapt technology solutions to the unique needs of each company
Customization of user interfaces.
Creation of specific workflows.
Integration of existing systems.
Generation of customized reports.
Adaptation of modules according to particular needs.
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Icon representative of the union of several points
Customized form for FMEA/FMEA practice, enabling effective product or process risk management. Turn the FMEA practice into an active monitoring engine.
Consistent and powerful process management form to implement identified improvements.
Management of improvement proposals as processes and assigned tasks.
Association of specific procedures for action management.
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Representative icon of a cube
Supply chain
Automated supplier performance tracking
Automated supplier performance tracking tool.
Integration of inbound quality control data with purchasing activity data.
Automatic sending of periodic information to suppliers on their performance levels.
Icon representative of a verified badge
Systems/ Paperless ISO
Comprehensive advice and support for the digitization of regulatory systems through a web-based task management platform
Time optimization by reducing corrective actions, meetings and inefficient practices.
Cost reduction by minimizing the exchange of physical documentation and the costs associated with meetings and regulatory follow-up.
Potential savings, especially for medium-sized companies.
Greater transparency and control of tasks, forget the pressure of preparing audits with eGAM and blockchain.
Representative icon of a clock
Time and attendance control
Recording and tracking of the working day
Web registration of time and attendance control in accordance with RDL 8/2019.
Advanced functionalities such as geolocation and clocking options through apps and physical devices.
Ease usage, minimizing the administrative burden for the HR department.
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Icon representative of a team of three people
Log your support tickets with a simple and intuitive app that allows you to efficiently manage customer service requests.
Centralization and prioritization of tickets.
Automation of repetitive tasks.
Improved operational efficiency.
Possibility of a customized adaptation to the specific needs of your company.
We help you optimize your processes and maximize efficiency in every area of your organization.
Solutions that provide clarity in business processes and data for decision making, enabling an overview of operations and facilitating strategic planning:
Quality/Process Management
Specific solutions to improve the quality and efficiency of business processes.
Human Resources
Specific solutions to optimize the HR area and improve the work environment.
Purchasing Management
Solutions that automate the tracking of supplier performance and ensure the quality of products received.
Tic Management
Customized solutions that adapt to the specific needs of the company.
Commercial address
Solutions that improve the efficiency of business processes and customer service.
How can we help your organization?
We accompany you throughout the process, advising you and designing solutions to help improve the well-being and productivity of your organization.