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Custom development

Find out how we can adapt the eGAM platform to your business
Tailor made
Design, programming and implementation of specific and unique functionalities for each company.
Digitization of own procedures
We create your unique workflows and apply continuous improvement.
“By investing in customized technology you are investing in adaptability, innovation, quality, commitment to customer success, and above all, well-being for your company.”
Image of a work meeting where two women and a man appear
Tailor-made development adapted to your company's needs
Intake of requirements
We help you to standardize your unique processes and standardize them digitally in the tool through consulting work.
Automated flows tailored to detail
We offer the possibility to digitize your internal procedures by creating automated workflows.
Dedicated Team
ABD has an experienced team that can develop customized solutions for your company.
Why go for a customized development of eGAM for your organization?
Representative image of a task sequence in the application
Automation and digitization of key processes
Improve your company's efficiency, productivity and competitiveness.
Escala de manera eficiente
We adapt the technology to your specific needs.
Addresses the requirement
For companies that require a customized technology solution to improve efficiency and meet specific requirements.
Custom development is a strategic option for companies wishing to take full advantage of the capabilities of the eGAM platform.

Platform customization maximizes return on technology investment
Image of the eGAM GTD application interface. It shows a Kanban panel with the defined tasks in progress and completed.
Outstanding functionalities
Work with a platform tailored to your needs to generate a more efficient environment in your organization.
User interfaces
Creation of specific workflows
Integration of existing systems
Generation of customized reports
Adapted modules
Unify and manage all your company's data
We connect the task manager with other existing software and tools of the company (ERP, CRM, MES, etc.).
“We are very pleased with the use of eGAM and are projecting future progressive digitization within all of our processes in our quality and food safety system.”
Arantza Errazkin
Quality Supply Director
We help you to professionalize and streamline your organization.
We accompany you throughout the process, advising you and designing solutions to help improve the well-being and productivity of your organization.
About eGAMbpm
ABD relies on its own eGAMbpm software for the digitization of processes, a suite of solutions with more than 15 years in the market, adaptable to the specific needs of each organization.
eGAM logo along with other graphic elements