Icon representative of the union of two points

Strategic deployment

Discover our strategic development and deployment tool
Digitized Strategic Plan
Deployment of the Strategic Plan in a practical and bidirectional manner.
Conversion of the Strategic Plan into operational documents
Deployment at all levels of the organization for effective and efficient follow-up
“Let your Strategic Plan come to active life by automating processes and tasks to achieve your goals.”
Image of a work meeting where two women and a man appear
A strategic deployment tool adapted to your Strategic Plan
Intake of requirements
Through consulting work, we help you develop your Strategic Plan so that it becomes an active part of the functions and responsibilities of managers and middle management.
Automated flows
Practical sense of Strategic Management, we help you to break down your Strategic Plan into Strategic Objectives and Annual Objectives, as well as into specific improvement projects and their KPI's.
Especialised Team
ABD has a team with experience in the definition of Strategic Plans and their deployment. We can develop the procedures associated with the fulfillment of your Strategic Plan.
Why digitize your organization's Strategic Plan?
Representative image of a task sequence in the application
Active part
Processes and tasks for the execution of the objectives.
Publicizes the strategic importance of your improvement actions
Bidirectional relationship between strategic objectives and daily KPI's.
Facilitates the objectives
Breakdown of annual objectives and specific projects.
We are here with you at all times to help you
Active assistance in the development and supervision of strategic plans.

Bring your Strategic Plan to life
Don't let it remain a nice document of intent that doesn't get deployed to managers and middle management.
Image of the interface of the eGAM Strategic deployment web application
Outstanding functionalities
Bring your Strategic Plan to life so that it can be fulfilled according to your objectives.
Processing of processes and tasks
Tracking of strategic objectives and KPIs
Bidirectional relationship
Personalised fields
Follow-up of established deadlines
Share folders
My tasks
Status updates
Action history
Automation of processes and tasks
Execution in time
Based on the Hoshin Kanri technique.
Unify and manage all your company's data
We connect the task manager with other existing software and tools of the company (ERP, CRM, MES, etc.).
We help you to professionalize and streamline your organization.
We accompany you throughout the process, advising you and designing solutions to help improve the well-being and productivity of your organization.
About eGAMbpm
ABD relies on its own eGAMbpm software for the digitization of processes, a suite of solutions with more than 15 years in the market, adaptable to the specific needs of each organization.
eGAM logo along with other graphic elements