Photograph of Juan Miguel Navarro speaking on the digitalization of processes and emotional well-being at the Alcoy Chamber of Commerce

Training in process digitalization Vs. Emotional well-being

Avatar of Juan Miguel Navarro, CEO and founder of ABD
Juan Miguel Navarro Guillem
Co-founder and CEO of ABD
15 May 2023

This morning we carried out training for the staff of the Alcoy chamber of commerce on process management and the benefits in emotional well-being that we achieve thanks to its digitalization.

In this day we have given a theoretical framework on:

  • Processes Vs. Procedures
  • Process management
  • Digitization of processes
  • Emotional well-being

If you want to know more about these topics and how we can apply them to your company, do not hesitate to contact us.

Do you need help implementing an ISO system?
We help you digitize the processes of your regulatory systems and eliminate the bureaucracy of their management.